hi! i’m sara.

(i like horses)

I also like sudoku puzzles, being outdoors, afternoon naps, and my two cats. I grew up in Northern CA, went to college in South Carolina and to graduate school in London. I speak ein bisschen German. I am vegetarian 90% of the time, an introverted extrovert, and my love language is pizza.

I studied anthropology in school because I’m endlessly curious about people. My husband is an engineer, and he’s not that keen on horses - but I’m working on him! I’m a middle child, proud aunt, reluctant hiker, and avid reader.

SARA CERALDI wedding photo with icelandic horse

I’ve always liked taking photos, but it wasn’t until I started photographing horses that I fell in love with creating art. Photography is the first medium that has allowed me to translate what I feel into something other people can see, and my enthusiasm for photography eventually evolved into a love for sketching, painting and printmaking.

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Visiting my retired Bashkir Curly pony, Dutch.

you know you want to!